About Us



विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥

Knowledge gives humility, from humility, one attains character; from character, one acquires wealth; from wealth good deeds (righteousness) follow and then happiness.

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”

Albert Einstein

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”

Margaret Mead

A Curious Mind

A curious mind is a powerful thing. It can lead to great discoveries, amazing achievements, and even wonders. At Vishwanath Academy, we believe that curiosity is the key to a successful education.

We know that learning is a lifelong process, and that education is about more than just memorising facts. We want our students to be curious about the world around them, and to be able to think for themselves. We want them to be able to ask questions, solve problems, and create new things.

That’s why we offer a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom. We encourage our students to participate in sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities. We also offer a variety of enrichment programs that help students develop their critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.

We believe that a curious mind is a valuable asset, and we’re committed to helping our students develop their curiosity. We know that a curious mind can lead to a lifetime of learning, growth, and success.

Inculcating Strong Values

We also believe that education is about more than just academics. It’s also about instilling strong moral values in our students. We want our students to be kind, compassionate, and responsible members of society. We want them to be able to make a positive difference in the world.

That’s why we focus on instilling strong values in our students through our curriculum, our extracurricular activities, and our school culture. We believe that strong moral values are essential for a successful life.

A Learning Community

Vishwanath Academy is a learning community where students, teachers, and staff work together to create a positive and supportive environment. We believe that everyone has something to offer, and we encourage our students to share their ideas and talents with the community.

We also believe that learning is most effective when it’s collaborative. That’s why we encourage our students to work together on projects and assignments. We believe that by working together, students can learn from each other and build strong relationships.

A Lifetime of Learning

We believe that education is a lifelong process. That’s why we’re committed to providing our students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in college, career, and life. We want our students to be lifelong learners who are curious about the world around them and who are always striving to improve themselves.

We believe that Vishwanath Academy is the perfect place for students who are looking for a challenging and rewarding educational experience. We offer a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom, and we focus on instilling strong moral values in our students. We believe that our students will be prepared to make a positive difference in the world.


education for all


Vishwanath Academy: A School for All

Education is a fundamental right for all human beings, but not everyone has the opportunity to receive a quality education. Mr. Markandey Tiwari, the founder of Vishwanath Academy, understood this and had a dream of providing equal educational opportunities to all students, regardless of their financial background.

In 2006, Mr. Tiwari founded Vishwanath Academy, an English-medium, co-educational school affiliated with the CBSE. The school is registered under the Vishwanath Academy of Sciences, a society for educational institutes.

Vishwanath Academy is committed to providing a quality education to all students, regardless of their financial background. The school offers scholarships to deserving students who cannot afford to pay tuition. The school also provides free textbooks and stationery to all students.

In addition to providing a quality education, Vishwanath Academy also strives to create a nurturing environment where all students feel welcome and supported. The school has a diverse student body, and the faculty and staff are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students.

Vishwanath Academy is a symbol of hope for all students who dream of a better future. The school is proof that education is a powerful force that can transform lives.

Here are some additional details about Vishwanath Academy:

  • The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and clubs.
  • The school has a strong focus on character development, and students are encouraged to develop their moral values.
  • The school is located in a safe and secure environment.
  • The school has a dedicated faculty and staff who are passionate about education.


Vision & Mission


Vishwanath Academy: A School for Lifelong Learners

At Vishwanath Academy, we believe that education is more than just memorising facts. We believe that education is about developing a passion for learning and the skills and knowledge that will enable our students to become positive, responsible, and well-informed participants in our global community.

We want our students to be curious about the world around them and to be able to think for themselves. We want them to be able to ask questions, solve problems, and create new things. We want them to be lifelong learners who are always striving to improve themselves.

We believe that a strong foundation in academics is essential for success in college, career, and life. But we also believe that education is about more than just academics. We want our students to develop strong moral values, to be responsible citizens, and to be aware of the world around them.

We believe that Vishwanath Academy is the perfect place for students who are looking for a challenging and rewarding educational experience. We offer a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom, and we focus on instilling strong moral values in our students. We believe that our students will be prepared to make a positive difference in the world.

Here are some of the qualities that we want our students to develop:

  • Academic competence
  • Exemplary behaviour
  • Inquiry and investigation
  • Logical and rational thinking
  • Social and environmental responsibility
  • Empathy for others

We believe that these qualities will help our students to become:

  • Successful students
  • Responsible citizens
  • Global leaders
  • Lifelong learners


The Edge


Vishwanath Academy: A School That Prepares Students for the Future

Vishwanath Academy is a CBSE-affiliated school that believes in preparing students for the future. We offer a rigorous academic program that is designed to challenge and inspire our students. We also believe that it is important for students to develop well-rounded personalities, so we offer a variety of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and talents.

Academic Excellence

Vishwanath Academy is affiliated with the CBSE, which is one of the most respected school boards in India. The CBSE curriculum is rigorous and challenging, and it prepares students for the competitive exams that they will face in the future. We have a team of experienced and dedicated teachers who are passionate about education. They are committed to helping our students succeed academically.

Extracurricular Activities

In addition to our rigorous academic program, we also offer a variety of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and talents. These activities include sports, arts, music, and drama. We believe that it is important for students to be well-rounded individuals, and we offer a variety of activities that allow them to develop their skills and talents.

Creating Complete Personalities

We believe that our students should not only be studious but also brilliant human beings. We want them to understand and imbibe the qualities of a leader and an effective team member. We want them to have a never-say-no attitude and a strong mind and body.

We host and organize several competitions and festivals that help our students develop these qualities. We also get professional sports training for our students and train them in various skills like dramatics/theatre, music and dance, elocution, and debates.

We believe that Vishwanath Academy is the perfect place for students who are looking for a challenging and rewarding educational experience. We offer a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom, and we are committed to helping our students develop into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to succeed in the future.

VNA at a Glance

Vishwanath Academy: A School that Nurtures Academic Excellence

Vishwanath Academy is a school that believes in nurturing academic excellence. We believe that every student has the potential to succeed, and we are committed to providing them with the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential.

Our Teaching Philosophy

We believe that good teaching is the foundation of a good education. Our teachers are passionate about their subject matter, and they are committed to helping their students learn. They are also experts in their field, and they are constantly updating their knowledge to ensure that they are providing their students with the most up-to-date information.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to be challenging and engaging. We believe that students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process, and our curriculum is designed to provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and learn in a variety of ways.

Our Extracurricular Activities

We believe that extracurricular activities are an important part of a well-rounded education. We offer a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and drama. These activities provide students with opportunities to develop their skills and talents, and they also help to build character and leadership.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a school where all students can reach their full potential. We believe that every student has something special to offer, and we are committed to providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Our Values

We believe in the following values:

  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do.
  • Integrity: We are honest and trustworthy.
  • Respect: We treat others with respect, regardless of their background or beliefs.
  • Responsibility: We are responsible for our own actions and decisions.
  • Community: We are committed to building a strong and supportive community.

We believe that these values are essential for creating a successful and fulfilling life.

If you are looking for a school that provides a quality education to all students, regardless of their financial background, then Vishwanath Academy is the perfect place for you.